Wyatt Thompson, PLA started the topic LAs in municipal stormwater manager roles in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 6 years, 2 months ago
Are you, or do you know, a landscape architect who serves as a stormwater manager/director or fulfills a role similar to a municipal stormwater engineer? I am looking to connect with landscape architects who have specialized practice in stormwater management, preferably who work for a city or county agency, or similar public entity. I would like…[Read more]
Wyatt Thompson, PLA replied to the topic Buffalo-Niagara-Rochester in the forum PLACES & SPACES 9 years, 4 months ago
Thanks for the comments. I had a great time in the Niagara area. Didn’t end up going to Rochester and didn’t spend much time in Buffalo, but I did visit the Martin House (FLW), Delaware Park (Olmsted) and several restaurants to sample authentic wings. Some highlights of the trip were hikes at Letchworth State Park (voted #1 state park in the…[Read more]
Wyatt Thompson, PLA replied to the topic Landscape Architecture Students and Debt — Is this a realistic picture? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 10 years, 7 months ago
I had the same thoughts on this article. Based solely on the numbers presented, the killer element of these budgets is not the student loan payment, but the amount they are all shelling out for rent. There are most certainly less expensive places to live and practice landscape architecture. If I had had 5 or 6-figure student loan debt when I…[Read more]
Wyatt Thompson, PLA replied to the topic All sheets in one file?… in the forum TECHNOLOGY 10 years, 11 months ago
Got to get your fix sometimes/somehow.
Wyatt Thompson, PLA replied to the topic All sheets in one file?… in the forum TECHNOLOGY 10 years, 11 months ago
What version of acad are you running? I would be concerned about potential compatibility issues between 2000 and whatever later version you’re on, especially if you and your coworkers are expected to work on the same set of documents. You might need to set up a system where the project base file is in 2000, and then you create sheets, xref the…[Read more]
Wyatt Thompson, PLA replied to the topic CAD layer standards for municipalities in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 11 years ago
I know of State DOTs that require this. None of the municipalities I’ve worked with, and now for, have though. I would not abandon your current office standards for other projects. Instead, I would ask this client if they could provide you a template file and the necessary pen table. If providing CAD files or a specific CAD layering system is not…[Read more]
Wyatt Thompson, PLA replied to the topic Landscape design toys for 11 yr olds ? in the forum STORY BOARD 11 years, 1 month ago
I actually did get the joke; perhaps I chose to respond to it poorly. I disagree that a computer program would be less appropriate than a physical play thing. Immersive gaming can be used to teach area, volume, spatial relationships, and aesthetics. Inexpensive 3D printing makes the virtual world very tangible. There are several programs mentioned…[Read more]
Wyatt Thompson, PLA replied to the topic Landscape design toys for 11 yr olds ? in the forum STORY BOARD 11 years, 1 month ago
I’d give a kid SketchUp way before AutoCad. Minecraft is another really interesting educational-design tool if caregivers are willing to engage with the child in playing the “game.” I think something more hands-on that would let kids create and get their hands dirty without a screen or a plug would be better. Garden tools, art supplies,…[Read more]
Wyatt Thompson, PLA replied to the topic Cities with LA Positions in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 years, 2 months ago
I am Park Planner for a city of around 55K in the midwest, and as such, the only landscape architect on staff. I oversee planning, design, and construction administration of facilities within the purview of the Parks and Recreation Department, which encompasses parks and recreation facilities, of course, as well as a zoo, two cemeteries, and…[Read more]
Wyatt Thompson, PLA replied to the topic when it all makes sense? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 years, 3 months ago
Best advice I ever received: Your job is to work with, not just for, your client. That applies to the person who hires you to design something and the contractors who are hired to implement it.
Another good piece of advice: Keep copious notes and take lots of pictures. Then take a few more pictures.
Finally: Be alert, watch where you walk, and…[
Wyatt Thompson, PLA replied to the topic Seeking AutoCAD help resources that cater to Landscape Architects in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 years, 3 months ago
Check out this link for info on Sheet Set Manager: http://autocadinsider.autodesk.com/my_weblog/sheet_sets/.
The full guide is here: http://heidihewett.blogs.com/my_weblog/files/Sheets_Happen.pdf. These sites might also provide some answers to other CAD production questions, too.As for SSM, I find it super useful. If you have ever had to i…[Read more]
Wyatt Thompson, PLA replied to the topic What subject can a Landscape Architect major have a minor in? in the forum EDUCATION 11 years, 3 months ago
I have a secondary degree (more than a minor, but not a full degree) in environmental science. Program was good and I learned a lot, but business or construction science would probably be more applicable to my daily work.
Wyatt Thompson, PLA replied to the topic CLARB LARE Scoring in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 11 years, 4 months ago
Wow. Comparing those scores to the previous format, it appears the new version is (dare I say it?) easier. It seems that candidates are figuring out how to maneuver through section 4, though even the first time test takers scored better on 4 than people did routinely on section E. It would be interesting to hear CLARB’s opinion on the increasing…[Read more]
Wyatt Thompson, PLA replied to the topic LARE test: Who takes it and who decides not to? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 11 years, 4 months ago
My personal experience: I work in municipal government for a parks and recreation department where I oversee planning, design, and construction administration for all capital improvement projects in the city’s park system. I collaborate daily with planners, engineers, architects, attorneys, etc., both inside the organization and as consultants. As…[Read more]
Wyatt Thompson, PLA replied to the topic Job in developer firms in the forum STORY BOARD 11 years, 4 months ago
The individual I wrote about had the same goal. You can pick up the business side as you go or with an MBA. Personally I think there’s a lot to be learned from the trenches, whether you’re working directly for or consulting with a developer.
Wyatt Thompson, PLA replied to the topic Job in developer firms in the forum STORY BOARD 11 years, 4 months ago
Prior to the housing slowdown, a former colleague of mine was hired by a development group to master plan its communities. He had been doing that work for a large, multi-disciplinary firm and I guess it was cheaper for the developer to hire this individual directly. I know others who have been hired on to do visualizations, walk-throughs, etc, but…[Read more]
Wyatt Thompson, PLA replied to the topic Job in developer firms in the forum STORY BOARD 11 years, 4 months ago
Prior to the housing slowdown, a former colleague of mine was hired by a development group to master plan its communities. He had been doing that work for a large, multi-disciplinary firm and I guess it was cheaper for the developer to hire this individual directly. I know others who have been hired on to do visualizations, walk-throughs, etc, but…[Read more]
Wyatt Thompson, PLA replied to the topic Correct Initials for a Licensed Landscape Architect in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 years, 4 months ago
Congratulations, Eric. I use PLA – Professional Landscape Architect – and ASLA. This is what ASLA is promoting, and I see no reason in my case not use it. The argument from ASLA (one of them atleast) is that the P puts our title in the same category as Professional Engineers. I don’t know that PLA yet denotes the same level of recognition and…[Read more]
Wyatt Thompson, PLA replied to the topic Zoo Lizard needs a Landscape Arch in the forum STORY BOARD 11 years, 7 months ago
I’m not saying zoo exhibits can’t or shouldn’t be designed with plants. I completely agree with you. My point was that maintenance has to be a consideration – in any planting, not just zoos. How many times do plantings fail from lack of the owner’s understanding of the maintenance required? Zoos are somewhat unique because there is both animal and…[Read more]
Wyatt Thompson, PLA replied to the topic Won't somebody PLEASE think about the poor children, I mean, trees! in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 years, 7 months ago
I saw the stakes too and had the same reaction. Maybe the whole site is built on top of a parking garage and those “pots” were intended to be ventilation shafts…until someone dumped in more soil to plant pretty pink flowers.
I’m really trying to figure out why this happened. It’s not good for the trees. It had to have cost the developer more.…[Read more] - Load More